CS + Math undergrad student @ UofT
I’m Kim, a computer science and mathematics undergraduate student at the University of Toronto.
Most of my projects are in private repos on my GitHub. Please reach out to me if you'd like to have a look!
A system that handles a large volume of incoming jobs by using synchronization and several admission queues to efficiently store and schedule jobs into execution.
Program that installs a kernel module to the Linux kernel. Replaces an existing system call in the syscall table, intercepts system calls, and monitors processes on demand.
Multi-process program that takes advantage of multiple CPU cores in parallel to solve the distance between the closest pair of points on a 2D plane.
Program that initializes a simulated single-directory file system and includes the functionality to create a file, delete a file, write to a file, and read from a file.
C program that manipulates .WAV audio files by adding sound effects. Sound effects implemented are fade in, fade out, and pan.
A multiplayer and player VS computer Othello game application using JavaFX. Collaborative scrum project management and use of design patterns.
Collaborative multiplayer Connect-4 game app using Python and Pygame platform and design patterns.